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The Perfect Pair: Strawberry And Garlic Companion Planting

The Perfect Pair: Strawberry and Garlic Companion Planting

Strawberries and garlic are two of the most popular fruits and vegetables grown in home gardens. They are also two of the best companion plants for each other. Companion planting is the practice of planting certain plants together to benefit each other. In the case of strawberries and garlic, they have a number of benefits when grown together.

Benefits of Companion Planting Strawberries and Garlic

  • Disease and pest control: Garlic's strong smell helps to repel pests such as aphids, spider mites, and slugs, which can all be destructive to strawberries. Strawberries, on the other hand, can help to deter nematodes, which are microscopic worms that can damage garlic roots.
  • Nutrient cycling: Strawberries are heavy feeders and require a lot of nitrogen. Garlic, on the other hand, is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which means that it can help to replenish the nitrogen in the soil. This benefits both plants and can help to improve the overall health of your garden.
  • Attract beneficial insects: The flowers of both strawberries and garlic attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. These insects help to pollinate both plants, which can lead to a better harvest.
  • Improved growth: Companion planting strawberries and garlic can help to improve the growth of both plants. Garlic can help to protect strawberries from diseases and pests, while strawberries can help to provide shade for garlic plants. This can lead to healthier and more productive plants.

How to Plant Strawberries and Garlic Together

When planting strawberries and garlic together, it is important to consider the size and mature height of both plants. Strawberries are relatively short plants, while garlic can grow quite tall. To ensure that both plants have enough space to grow, plant strawberries in the front of the bed and garlic in the back. You can also plant strawberries in raised beds or containers, which will give them more room to spread out.

The best time to plant strawberries and garlic together is in the spring, once the soil has warmed up. When planting, amend the soil with a good amount of compost or manure. This will help to improve drainage and provide nutrients for both plants. Space strawberries 12-18 inches apart and garlic 6-8 inches apart.


Once your strawberries and garlic are planted, you will need to water them regularly, especially during the first few weeks after planting. You should also fertilize them every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer. To help prevent pests and diseases, you can apply a layer of mulch around your plants.

With proper care, your strawberries and garlic should thrive when planted together. You will be rewarded with delicious strawberries and healthy garlic for many years to come.

Strawberries and garlic are two of the most popular fruits and vegetables grown in gardens, and they can also be great companion plants for each other. Garlic's strong odor can help to deter pests from strawberries, while strawberries' shallow roots can help to draw nutrients up from the soil for garlic. Additionally, both plants benefit from full sun and well-drained soil.

If you're interested in learning more about strawberry and garlic companion planting, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including planting tips, pest control advice, and more. You can also find photos and videos of strawberry and garlic plants growing together, which can help you to visualize how they would look in your own garden.

FAQ of strawberry and garlic companion planting

  1. Can garlic be planted next to strawberries?

Yes, garlic and strawberries are considered to be good companion plants. The pungent smell of garlic deters pests such as aphids, slugs, and snails, which can damage strawberry plants. Garlic can also help to improve the soil quality around strawberry plants, making it more nutrient-rich and well-drained.

  1. What are the benefits of planting garlic and strawberries together?

In addition to deterring pests, garlic can also help to improve the flavor of strawberries. The sulfur compounds in garlic can enhance the sweetness and aroma of strawberries. Additionally, garlic can help to protect strawberries from diseases such as verticillium wilt and root rot.

  1. How far apart should garlic and strawberries be planted?

Garlic and strawberries should be planted about 12 inches apart. This will give each plant enough space to grow and thrive. If you are planting garlic and strawberries in rows, you should space the rows about 24 inches apart.

  1. When should garlic and strawberries be planted?

Garlic and strawberries can be planted in the spring or fall. If you are planting them in the spring, you should do so after the last frost. If you are planting them in the fall, you should do so about 6 weeks before the first frost.

  1. What are some other good companion plants for strawberries?

Some other good companion plants for strawberries include:

  • Basil: Basil helps to repel pests such as aphids and spider mites.
  • Borage: Borage attracts pollinators, which help to pollinate strawberry flowers and produce more fruit.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce helps to suppress weeds and improve the soil quality around strawberry plants.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds help to repel nematodes, which can damage strawberry roots.
  • Spinach: Spinach helps to shade the roots of strawberry plants and prevent them from drying out.

Image of strawberry and garlic companion planting

  1. Strawberries and garlic planted in a raised bed. The garlic is planted in the center of the bed, and the strawberries are planted around the edges. Image of Strawberries and garlic planted in a raised bed
  2. A row of strawberries with garlic planted at the end of the row. The garlic helps to deter pests from the strawberries. Image of A row of strawberries with garlic planted at the end of the row
  3. A small garden with strawberries and garlic planted together. The strawberries are growing in a container, and the garlic is planted in the ground next to it. Image of A small garden with strawberries and garlic planted together
  4. A close-up of a strawberry plant with garlic cloves planted around it. The garlic cloves will help to improve the soil quality and deter pests from the strawberry plant. Image of A close-up of a strawberry plant with garlic cloves planted around it
  5. A photo of a strawberry patch with garlic growing in the background. The garlic helps to attract beneficial insects to the strawberry patch. Image of A photo of a strawberry patch with garlic growing in the background

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